Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's all in how you ask!

So, you all know me as level headed,a fair player, a rule follower right? Well, as some as you know, I do have this ONE little, you might say, "quirk". It's not all that terrible if you are aware of it, but interesting sometimes if you aren't. You could say I have a little trouble with anyone saying DON"T or NO to me. This has always been the case. Tell me I can't beat someone in a race... I am there. Tell me not to walk through a puddle...well you get the point. It's not that you can't tell me "No", it's just how it is presented to me. It is also not because I am being stubborn,I really just can't help it. Let's say a certain husband,the names are left out to protect the innocent, says one fine day very early on in his marriage, "NO Do not buy apples". Innocent enough , right? Well,"said" husband might have come home to several large boxes of apples on the counter. So, my precious family knowing this through out the years, have used this to their advantage off and on for good and evil. I was borrowing Matt's car the other day and right before I drive out, my sweet son says "Oh,Mom don't touch the mustache." Well,I looked down at the gear shift and sure enough there sat a big black hairy thing. Well, you know the story by the pictures,I did not even get to the end of the road before I was holding that silly thing up to my face. When I came home later that night,the first thing out of Matt's mouth was " So,Mom,did you touch my mustache?
